What are we reading?


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i'm reading...

the map of love by Ahdaf Soueif. I can't be without a book in my hands. before this i finished john irving's book until i find you. cchasida


New member
I'm starting to read a new book[?]

Called "The Dark Boarding School"[הפנימייה שלא הייתה] by Sigalit Dill. She's an Amazing writer, and i love her books. Damn, I LOVE Harry Potter.


New member
Who doesn't? ../images/Emo6.gif

I'm going to quote a very dear friend of mine (
) when I say: It's a bless... and a curse.​


New member
Oh nice../images/Emo9.gif

She's so special... almost like Roling. [Hope i formulate it right.]


New member
When appreciating Harry Potter

One must bear in mind that it's children's literature. It's an utterly puerile and half-assed written book. Reason being that it's directed at a population that is stimulated by flashing lights and sounds, and a plot that is more predictable than the weather.

Lily Potter

New member
../images/Emo99.gif Harry Potter ../images/Emo99.gif

The love of my life... Well...not really... But you know...I fully support HG !!


New member
I'm with...

Chainfire/Terry Goodkind (One of the last books in "sword of truth" series - Fantasy).
Quicksilver/Neal Stephenson (The first part of the baroque cycle - A novel about the history of the western world at the 17-18th century)
Confessions of a philosopher/Bryan Magee (Autobiography and an account on the philosophy in England and modern world)
The Chess Artist/J.C. Hallman (Non-fiction book about chess history through a trip to Kalmyka)
Godel/John L. Casti and Werner DePauli (A biography of one of the greatest logicians ever)
Other books which I need to study Pardon? What else?!

אום נטע

New member
Wow! That's a lot!

I couldn't read anything worthwhile in parallel to the Baroque Cycle. While currently I read a book in Hebrew, I do read often in English as well. In fact, if a book was originally written in English I would prefer reading it in English rather than a translation. P.S. Do you know how can I change the text to be aligned to the left? Thanks!
I'm reading a book called

"Babycakes" by Armistead Maupin. It's the 4th book in a series of 6. I read the first one about 11 years ago, the second and third 5 years ago, and I also bought parts 5 and 6. It's such a treat!​
Greetings ../images/Emo39.gif

First of all, I'm Segev
19, in the army. There was a time when I was all about English, but then I started folk-dancing and that kind of messed everything up. So this could be a chance to bring English back to my life full speed
Second of all, I found myself agreeing with three people in one thread and that seemed like a whole lot! So - (1) Indeed, the army gets you tired. In addition to that I'm never home when the library is open anyway
(2) Jane Austen books
There is a volume in Beth Ariela (in Tel Aviv) that includes six novels of hers. I took it once, I read Emma and then Sense & Sensibility (I took a separate copy of Pride & Prejudice after seeing the mini-serios on channel 23. Colin Firth
). I absolutely ADORE this ancient-fashion English. (3) English literature - I was thinking about that too, but this is something I know I would learn just for fun, or to be a translator. I'm in the middle of Ulysses now. It's the hardest, most bizzare thing I've ever read. That was kind of long, ehy.​


New member
I absolutely adore the

mini-series of Pride and Prejudice. I even have its DVD. Mrs. Bennet was hilarious, not to mention the annoying person who was about to inherit their house and proposed to Elizabeth (Mr. Collins, I believe). He seemed to me like a combination of Snape and Lockhart, all in one body. (If you read Harry Potter, you know what I mean
) You have written about a book that contains six novels of her. Just to clarify this, she has written *only* six novels.
From what you've written, can I assume that Pride and Prejudice was your favorite novel of Jane Austen?​
!I didn't know that

I didn't know she only had six novels. You learn something new every day
I liked Pride & Prejudice a lot, yes, but maybe because it was the first and there was the mini-series, and not because it was the best. Did you see the Hollywood movie? I hardly remember any details from the other novels, I only remember thinking to myself that everything had the same point. But maybe I didn't give it enough thought.​


New member
As far as I know she has written

only six novels. I have heard of another story of hers called "Love and Frienship" but either it's not a novel or she just didn't finish it. Do you mean the movie of 2005 with Keira Knightley? No. Have you? Is it good? Agreed. All of her novels are basically the same thing. The love story itself may be different but society, principles, places and time- are all the same. Sometimes even the the names are the same.


New member

Dude, James Joyce is for pussies Kidding. I just think he's absolutely awful.. This whole "stream of consciousness" , to me, is totally an post-modernists' excuse to wite badly and get credit for it.


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My concentration seems to be a bit lacking right now, so I can't really bring myself to try anything new. I only read stuff I've read before and really really (really) liked
. And that's mostly Neil Gaiman, apparently. I like his style. (The problam is, I kinda lost most of his books. I'm mean, I know they're somewhere around the house, But I have'nt the slightest idea where
) I've recently tried to start The "His Dark Materials" trilogy, but I just couldn't bring myself to read on - It wasn't boring, but the way it's written is so, well... Simple. Just what happens and nothing more. I'll probably go back to it someday, when I'm more relaxad, concentrated, and not as picky