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הכי הרבה בתי קזינו בכל הזמנים ורק בישראל אין אפילו אחד חוקי אבל מאות לא חוקיים... CASINO APPLICATIONS Current number of applications to build new casinos in major British cities : London - 8 Glasgow - 5 Liverpool - 4 Bristol - 3 Gambling laws set to be relaxed Published: 14-Oct-2004 A Las Vegas in Leicester? A Nevada in Newcastle? It all follows the Government's decision to fast track the new Gambling Bill to get it on the Statute Book before the election. Ministers denied it would create a free for all and said a new Gaming Commission would be created to regulate the industry. Welcome to the future. A New Labour answer to the very old Labour problem of run down inner cities – new mega casinos that would act as an engine for urban regeneration, creating jobs in the leisure industry, and attracting punters from miles around to gamble for unlimited prize money. Creating too ,if churches and anti gambling groups are to be believed, up to a five fold increase n the number of problem gamblers. At the moment I can go into any betting shop and put as much as I like on a horse race, but if I want to play roulette I have to first find a casino - and at the moment they can only be opened in certain limited areas ,like London’s west end - and then I have to join and wait 24 hours before I can place a bet. Under the government’s proposals that cooling off period would go. So too would the restrictions limiting casinos to certain areas. Instead they would be subject to local and regional planning. The government says the motivation isn’t to make things easier for gambling companies wanting to expand , but to regulate the booming unregulated side of the business - much of it on the net. But gambling is a highly profitable business. The big companies, many from overseas, have spent more than £100 on public relations and lobbying . They’ve already got a hint from the Treasury that gaming duty might be reduced. But even in today’s Labour Party, some doubt the benefit. Te prospect of liberalisation’s led to a dramatic increase in the number of current applications to build new casinos. Many are in the big metropolitan cities but even a smaller town like Guildford has three. Some are situated in resorts like Skegness and Clacton while others are planned for working class towns like Burnley, Salford, and St. Helens. Others applications come from existing sporting facilities like Wolverhampton Racecourse and others next to football grounds like Newcastle, Arsenal, and Manchester City. The biggest will be resort casinos, like the one Blackpool wants to build. Another is proposed next to the Wembley Stadium. These will be modeled on Las Vegas with no limit on jackpots. But by no means all of them will get through the planning hoops. The operators of the existing London casinos lobbied for controls on internet betting, but feel they’ve been shafted by the foreign companies bidding to run the regional casinos. The stakes are high both for the industry and the government. MP’s and Peers have backed reform of the gaming law, but so close to an election it could be gambling with public opinion.