Need advice


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Need advice

Hello. After two years of being the US, we have decided to go back to Israel...yet again. I was wondering if there are any good places or ways to meet other Americans in Israel? I actually spent half my life here and half there, but I am looking to meet other confused souls :), it would make the return much easier. Any help is appreciated, thaks.


New member

Jerusalem is always an option. Just look around. They're everywhere. Seriously though, it depends on the city you're planning on moving to. There are cities with entire communities of English speakers. And I don't just mean Beit Shemesh. I don't know whether you're religious or not, but it seems to be easier to meet other groups of people when you attend a shul--we've got plenty here full of English speakers. Basically, it really isn't hard. Particularly in this country, where everyone knows everyone else. Confused soul indeed. Why the meandering back and forth? ;)


New member
Thanks :)

Thank you for the reply. I spent some time in Jerusalem a few years ago and there really were many English speakers. But, I found that when my husband and I moved out of Jerusalem (he is Israeli) it was very hard to meet other American women. We will be living in Rehovot. I am not religious, so it does make it more of a challenge.


New member
Meeting Americans

Well, the internet is a good start :) Depending on your age/intrests you could go to Mike's Place, join the Israeli Football Leauge, hmmmm etc. Try also contacting the American Embassy about groups that might meet Ra'aana is also a good place to find Americans.. closer than 02 anyways


New member
I'm from Rehovot

I know you said you weren't religious (and neither am I, for that matter), but there's a conservative congregation on Miller st. that I've been a part of ever since my barmitzva. It's called Adat Shalom, and a whole lot of its members are English speakers. And in general, the community of English speakers in Rehovot is not altogether that small. So I predict you'll be doing okay.​


New member
i'm from nes tziona

How old are you guys? I came back from 3 years in the u.s. two years ago and im interested in meeting some americans from around..and im 15 from nes-tziona. write me back if you can bye.


New member

We're actually older. I'm 27, and my husband is 33, we have a two year old son. But, we are always happy to meet...


New member
oh :)

You are older i see. I would like to meet native english speakers closer to my own age though i haven't heard of many from around. contact meon my icq 167780961 if anyone knows anyone like that . Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody!!!


New member

Thanks, that's great advice, I will be sure to look into it when I get there :)


New member

There are lots of English speakers in Rehovot. Me, for instance.
A large majority of the ones I know are religious, because we know each other from shul (they have entire shuls stuffed with us). But that doesn't mean there aren't any secular ones, or that you wouldn't be able to meet them outside of shul... The top best places for English speakers wanting to meet other English speakers to go are Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, Petach Tikva and Rehovot. So I wouldn't worry.


New member
Great, thank you :)

Thanks for your response. I'm due to arrive Feb or March. Do you mind if I contact you when I arrive? I'm up for goign to Shul, I do that here in the US, why not in Israel? Thanks again for your help.


New member
Feel free!

You can always go, look around, say hi to people, and decide it's not for you.
At least you'll have met some people.


New member
I don't really think so..

If i would feel comfortable to just go around and say hi to people i wouldn't be trying to get to know people online. I'd rather get to know through the net first and then meet. Though i wouldn't say no if someone came up and started talking to me though i don't tend to walk around speaking english so no one would actually know I do unless I tell them. good bye :)


New member
I was referring to her specific

circumstances. About going to shul with lots of English speakers (synagogue or beit knesset for you) and seeing if she likes it.


New member

Hello. I read what you wrote about something aclled Shul. What is that? I'm not gonna go all the way to jerusalem or just to meet people but i appreciate your help. I would like more to just get to know some people that i will be able to speak english with because i really miss speaking it and anyways it could always be fun to meet people. Have a good week everyone :)


New member
No way

Beit Shemesh is a bubble. You'll never become a proper Israeli living there. Better to be in a place with enough Americans for support, but blended with Israeli culture to get comfortable with it.​


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